Two-Wheel Alignment
Misaligned tires can cause uneven tire wear and difficulty with vehicle handling. A sign of an impending wheel alignment may be felt in the pulling of your vehicle’s steering wheel. Tires can be knocked out of alignment during a collision or by hitting other obstacles, like potholes or curbs. Wheel alignment is important because properly aligned wheels provide fuel saving benefits. This is because they receive less resistance from the surface of the road. A member of our team can inspect your vehicle to see whether a two-wheel alignment is the best option for your vehicle. Proper wheel alignment promotes even tread wear, which means your tires will last longer. Give us a call if you think a two-wheel alignment is right for you.
Four-Wheel Alignment
Wheels out of alignment can cause difficulty with overall vehicle handling. A four-wheel alignment is often the best choice for many drivers, particularly those who have front-wheel drive. Wheels can become misaligned during a car crash or by simply hitting road obstructions, like potholes or curbs. There are several signs that will alert you to an impending four-wheel alignment service. A vehicle pulling strongly to one side is in need of alignment. Another sign is uneven or abnormal tire wear. Properly aligned wheels provide many benefits, including cutting down on fuel costs, because wheels that have been aligned properly offer considerably less rolling resistance. Routine wheel alignments also prevent disproportionate tire wear, so your tires will last longer. Contact us today for a four-wheel alignment.