Tire Purchase & Tire Installation
If your tires are worn or unsatisfactory, consider purchasing and installing new ones through us. When tires are worn, they won’t perform correctly. Worn tires heat up more quickly, puncture more easily, and take on roads less effectively. They may also emerge as a potential danger to their driver and other motorists. However, worn tires aren’t the only reason to install new tires. Depending on your environment and needs, it may be wise to purchase and install new tires even if your current set is okay. This is because using tires that are unfit for your needs can quickly deteriorate them. If you need assistance finding the right tire, our expert staff can help. When you’re ready to make a purchase or install a new set of tires, let us know.
Computerized Wheel Balancing
Tire and wheel assemblies are prone to various weight discrepancies that can cause a multitude of problems for motorists. If you experience vibrations in your vehicle, hear squeals from your tires, or feel your vehicle pulling in one direction, then one or more of your tire and wheel assemblies may be in need of rebalancing. Fortunately, our staff is here to help with all your balancing needs. During this process, our experts will mount your wheel on the computerized wheel balancing machine and spin it. Acting upon the information we receive from our computerized wheel balancing equipment, our service staff will apply additional weight to the indicated areas in order to alleviate vibrations and help the assembly roll more smoothly. With your tires and wheels properly balanced, you can enjoy an overall smoother ride, greater control, and longer lasting tires.
Tire Repair
The methods used by our service staff to repair a tire comply with the Rubber Manufacturer’s Association (RMA). The RMA states that a flat tire can be repaired if the puncture is ¼ inch or smaller and if the puncture is located on the tread of a tire. They recommend that the tire repair procedure involve a plug and a patch on the lining of the tire. A plug and a patch can add thousands of miles more to a damaged tire. For a punctured tire, our staff will patch, plug, or seal the damaged area. If your tire is losing air due to valve stem damage or if the tire is not securely attached to the wheel’s rim, our tire repair service staff will be able to help. Ultimately, repairing your tire helps to keep you safe on the road and can save you money in the long run.
Tire Rotation
You should rotate your tires to prevent uneven tread wear. Uneven tread commonly occurs because most vehicles do not distribute weight evenly between the front and rear tires. In general, front tires tend to deteriorate more quickly than rear tires due to their location and the weight of a vehicle’s engine. By rotating your tires, you’ll distribute the wear more evenly, and you won’t need to replace your tires as frequently. Beyond the benefit of extended tread life, routine and professional tire rotation services can also improve your gas mileage. This is because well-maintained tires reduce rolling resistance, which affects your vehicle’s performance and gas mileage. Our tire rotation service can help prevent massive tread differentiation between tires, encourage better vehicular performance, and save you money by contributing to better gas mileage. If you have questions about how often you should rotate your tires, simply ask a member of our service staff.